Tired of Struggling with Complicated Floor Plan Software?


You're already busy enough. Don't waste your time trying to figure out a difficult drawing program.
Easy Blue Print – Professional Floor Plan Drawing Software Made Easy.

Easy Blue Print is a simple software program used to quickly create floor plans for office and home layouts with precise measurements. It has been downloaded by thousands of people, in almost any business you can think of. It offers all of the features necessary for getting the job done – just without all of the complications.

Create emergency floor plans like these in minutes:


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Quick look at Easy Blue Print PRO (full version) features

 You can quickly and easily create floor plan drawings and sketches - With little or no extra work...
 So User-friendly "Even An 10 Year Old Kid Can Use It"...
 Designed for the absolute beginner, but has all features required to create accurate, professional floor plan drawings
 You can cut and paste your floor plan drawings into Microsoft Word or other applications with just a few clicks of your mouse.
 Direct "to scale" printing of your entire drawing – no need to use "workaround" methods to get your plans seen quickly
 Position and modify wall dimensions in a snap
 Create accurate real estate brochures and floor plans to suit your needs
 Undo/Redo option
 Custom Wall Widths for precise, professional drawings you'll be proud to share
 Change door, window & stair widths – these can all be drawn accurately to scale in both dimensions
 Create custom symbols and symbol libraries
 FREE support for both basic and PRO users...
 Compatible with Windows XP and Vista...
 And much, much more…

Want to see more? We'll get you the information you want quickly.

  Find out about features
  See examples
  Watch the program in an online demo - without the need for installing any software!

Click on the Chat Window to the left, and see answers to any of your questions now.  Our representatives can get you any information you need fast.


" I found using "Easy Blue Print" has given me the opportunity to design our Modular Home floor plans exactly as our customers want in a matter of just a few minutes. I don't need to run to the Engineers every time I need to know if that tub or window will fit in that area. Easy Blue Print has been a time saving program that I find myself using everyday! I was shocked at how cheap the Pro version was. It was well worth it. Thank you."

Linda Dimmick
Dave Williams Modular Homes, Southern Illinois

"I am a licensed engineer and my company is involved in forensic engineering work. I have been using Easy Blue Print for only a short time but find it to be extremely easy to use and very helpful in doing the floor plans that I need for my reports."

Glenn Hardin, Principal Engineer
Hardin Engineering
6749 Green Acres, Ft. Worth, TX 76180

"...EBtech Industrial is a manufacturer of modular wall systems. I use Easy Blue Print to create plan view drawings of the structures that I sell. I find that it is much easier and faster to do these simple drawings in Easy Blue Print than it is in Autocad Lite which I also run..."

Tom Ebner, Midwest Region, St Louis, MO
EBTech Industrial

"I am not an architect or draftsman. Easy Blueprint Pro gave me the opportunity to produce professional looking drawings of our new clinic to show to the bank while looking for funding. It also helped us get an idea of what would fit where as we were designing our renovation project. This has been a wonderful program with constant improvements, great support, and a great price. Thanks a lot!"

Chris Cripps, Schuylerville, NY

"You might think that there are a lot of floor plan drawing programs. But, most of them complicated - and you need to spend a huge amount of time to get up to speed."

Michael White, Property Investor
Fountain Hills, AZ

"...I am a DIY builder building my own house and I am using your software to create the plans for the house I am building. I have completed the foundation and the first floor platform framing using your software for my layout and I have found the software is excellent!..."

Tim Spiess

Try DEMO Version Try PRO Version Risk FREE

We'll send you a registration key that will let you unlock the demo version of our software.

Try Easy Blue Print PRO for 30 days, risk free. It's the hassle-free, safe way to try out the PRO version -- no guess work. Send an email to support before the end of 30 days, and we will refund 100% of your payment, no questions asked - it's as simple as that!

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